We just witnessed history in Virginia.
Perhaps the only silver lining to what happened on November 8th, 2016, is the enormous amount of positive progressive energy we are seeing and feeling across the country. Whether motivated by frustration, disappointment, anger, anxiety or outright fear, people were looking for ways to make a difference. Virginia's election on November 7th, 2017, presented an exciting, first-in-the-nation opportunity to push back and make our voices heard.
Rip Sullivan represents the 48th District in Virginia's House of Delegates, and is the House Democratic Caucus Campaign Chair. As part of his effort to elect more Democrats to the House of Delegates, Rip launched Project Blue Dominion last year. Project Blue Dominion helped recruit, train, and fund Democratic candidates across the Commonwealth.
With your help, the status quo has changed. In 2016, Hillary Clinton won in 51 of the 100 delegate districts in Virginia, yet only 34 of those seats were held by Democrats. This November, Governor-Elect Ralph Northam won a whopping 58 of all House of Delegates districts and Democrats will hold, at a minimum, 49 seats the House of Delegates. Democrats ran anywhere and everywhere around the Commonwealth, and it paid off in spades.
No matter whether Democrats end up with 49, 50 or even 51 seats during the coming 2018 Session, we just saw hundreds of thousands of Virginians ensure that their political opinions went on the record at the ballot box.